How to successfully work remotely?

Linked Booster
3 min readMar 23, 2020

When we write the article at this moment, the world has recorded 338.947 cases for Coronavirus. WHO has declared COVID-19 disease to be a pandemic. Many companies in the world like Google, Amazon, Tencent have asked employees and staff to work from home.

We all do not know exactly when will this pandemic go to the end. Now working from home becomes a trend and someplace over the world, it is mandatory. Let’s study from different experts in the world.

1. What do the experts in the world say?

From Steli Efti- CEO of

Every individual need to over-communicate, every department, and the manager. Communicate in an intense level because we do not stay close together like normal. We also need to figure out on our own when do we wake up, when do we go out for working out and spend time with family.

Active and commit to your plan daily:
Even stay at home gonna bring many distractions. Your parents asked you to go out to help with their shopping. Your employer, your team member, your wife, your husband or your children may not work and collaborate with you. You need to accept it and try your best and manage your plan, the distraction is fine, accept it then go.

From Amir Salihefendic is CEO of Doist:

Lack of energy and motivation:
The fully remote company behind popular to-do list app and task manager Todoist. After seeing these statistics, Salihefendic stated that “remote work isn’t just a different way to work — it’s a different way to live. People will face with loneliness(19%) and Unplugging after work (22%).

How to get recover and be a balance:
You can do simple stretches with Yoga, run in the gym from the ladders guideline here

Do a pull-up bar also will help you, so after sitting for hours, just do some exercises with pull up bar

2. How to use tools to support your remote work?

Automate your work with Awesome tool in the world include:

Automate your workflow used by millions of users over the world. Think about getting your email in Gmail, copy the attachment to Dropbox, then alert users in Dropbox. Then Zapier is your solution!

Is your team working remotely? Toggle can be your friend by Hassle-free time tracking, break down hours by projects, clients and tasks and report the time for you.
Your sales team locate in North America, you have customer support in Europe, and the Development team in Asia. Don’t worry track where and when your team then reports it to you.

Linked Booster
If you are reaching out to new customers or hiring new people on Linkedin. Then Linked Booster can be an ultimate solution for you. Enjoy your remote day and work with other tasks, still get things done with Linked Booster.

3. Summary

Wherever you are in the world now, we wish you best of luck and push back Coronavirus. We hope you will enjoy this article sharing, please comment below this if the article applies well for you.

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